Landlords can sometimes find themselves answering phone calls past midnight when a property emergency strikes. It could be an urgent situation such as a gas leak, flooding, or electrical issues.

Landlords need to know how to handle after-hours emergencies to reduce potential safety risks and creat...

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As a landlord, one of your top priorities should be to reduce tenant turnover from your property. A low tenant turnover rate usually equates to a higher return on investment and a better financial bottom line.

As such, it’d be a no-brainer to retain a tenant for as long as you can, especially i...

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Are you looking to improve the safety of your Orlando rental property?

Keeping your investment property safe is important for you and your tenants. If renters feel unsafe in a property, they might start thinking about moving to a new place.

As a rental owner, it's important to invest in security...

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As a landlord, you know how important it is to provide your tenants with a safe living environment. However, it can be difficult to know if your rental property meets all the necessary safety standards, especially if you're not familiar with the regulations.

This post will be discussing the variou...

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Every landlord dreams of having high-quality renters who will pay rent promptly and take good care of the property. Luckily for Orlando property owners, it is possible to get such tenants by making your rental units attractive and putting in place thorough tenant screening procedures. Once you find...

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