Landlords can sometimes find themselves answering phone calls past midnight when a property emergency strikes. It could be an urgent situation such as a gas leak, flooding, or electrical issues.

Landlords need to know how to handle after-hours emergencies to reduce potential safety risks and creat...

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As a landlord, one of your top priorities should be to reduce tenant turnover from your property. A low tenant turnover rate usually equates to a higher return on investment and a better financial bottom line.

As such, it’d be a no-brainer to retain a tenant for as long as you can, especially i...

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As a landlord, you know how important it is to provide your tenants with a safe living environment. However, it can be difficult to know if your rental property meets all the necessary safety standards, especially if you're not familiar with the regulations.

This post will be discussing the variou...

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Dealing With Noise Complaints

April 13, 2023, 12:00 am

People have different levels of sensitivity when it comes to noise. That’s why this is one of the most common complaints you’ll deal with when you own a rental. As a landlord, here are actions you can take when you receive a noise complaint:

Objectively Review the Complaint

Take time to assess t...

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6 Best Ways for Retaining a Tenant

March 14, 2023, 9:04 am

As a landlord, retaining good tenants is crucial to the success of your rental business. Not only does it reduce the stress and expenses associated with finding new renters, but it also helps to maintain a stable source of rental income. However, keeping tenants long-term is not always easy.


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